Olympic Valley, this isn't your average mountain. The legends that echo this valley can be felt the moment you turn and make your way towards the heart and soul of this magical place. Everyone has heard of Olympic Valley (formerly known as Squaw Valley) whether that be for the terrain or the people that make this place well legendary. If you are searching to challenge yourself both mentally and physically look no further.
First turn off the 89 you find the Olympic flame starring you down as you make your drive in. The valley has a pulse a vibe that can be felt if you allow yourself to be emerged in its energy. Word of a caution once you do, there is no turning back.

Terrian: Upon first glance it's hard to ignore what most skiers flock to this rock for, KT-22. With the fingers and McConkeys staring you down its hard to resist the sirens call. This mountain is best suited for advanced/expert riders. Thats not to say that intermediates and beginners will be bored (not possible with the infinte amount of choices) however less spicy riders may find the more advanced terrian intemdiating. Tree skiing? Yup it's here. Big mountain terrain? Have you seen this place. Big bowls with steep turns? Yea, they have it. Everylift could be esstientally it's own resort with a unquie type of skiing that like a finger print to each section of the mountain.
Former gs racer? Head over to Red Dog Chair and enjoy a course that is still ran on the FIS Cup Circuit today. Upper dog leg was also an Olympic run back in 1960. Red Dog is often ignored which is such a shame, some incredible tree and gully skiing can be found for those of you who are a bit more spicy. If you go left at the top of Red Dog you'll fiind yourself one of the best views of the mountain. Intermediates feel reassured with a nice long groomer without most of the crowds (Lake View).
Lets get into what most people are here for KT-22, aka the Mothership. Here's the thing about this place, if you can see it you can ski it. What would be closed off in most mountains is opened and often conditions are really not a limiting factor. KT is for advanced to expert riders, they do "groom" a small part (the Saddle) however if you're on KT it really shouldn't be to ride a random cat track with pinch points. KT is divided into multiple sections. Most of KT does not have signs, and it's extremely easy to get lost and end up cliffed out if you are not careful. Riding with a local is the best way to get all of the intel (that they choose to share with you). If you are a freerider or big mountain skier enjoy the limitless options to push yourself and to be amazed at what a gulp of almost 2600 vert feels like on this incredible playground. Find yourself there on a powder day? Do yourself a favor and get situated under the fingers on the cat track and enjoy the best live show on the planet.
There is so much more than just KT-22 however. Between Headwall, Granite Cheif, Silverado, and Siberia you have the ability to hike to most peaks with some awesome skiing. All of the lifts mentioned are best suited for advanced and expert riders. Exploring each section could take days on it's own to truly explore the depths of this place. As mentioned above, most runs are not labled and if you are lucky enough to ski with a local that insider knowledge is quiet a treat. Make sure to buy them a beer after, they will appreciate it. While we can't give away all of this magically place secrets away what we can tell you is some of the best skiing is often not where you would expect.
Intermediate riders head on up to upper mountain and make your way over to Shirley. Shirley offers great groomed skiing at blue level riding. The runs are numbered one through five. One being the least steep (located far skiers right) and five being the most (located next to the chair). If you are searching to up your game as an intermediate head over to Solitude lift which is skiers right of Shirley. Solitude is like Granite Chief lite, a great place to start to freeride and explore off-piste terrain.
Gold Coast is a great place for intermediates to gain their confidence. There are not a lot of spicy riders zipping through (if you ski there you'll quickly find out what that means). With direct access through the Funitel, intermidates will find it to a haven with all of the wildness surrounding each lift. There are also food and restrooms available at Gold Coast Station.
Beginners take the tram up and head up to upper mountain. Here you will find the most beginner friendly terrian. It is highly recommended that you take a lesson or two here. The ski school is top notch.

One important thing to note for those of you who are not spicy riders (yet) a lot of expert terrain does tunnel into beginner terrian. For example Mainline Pocket shown above is a quick hike that you'll see groups making their way up from the top of Gold Coast lift. Cat tracks here and Mountain Run should be skiied, and not lingered due to this important feature.

Vibe (Experience): We mentioned a pulse above and that pulse is the heart and soul of this mountain. If you are lucky enough to ever be fully immersed in it that stoke is a shared comreadery. You have pros sending it off of Palisades and olympians zooming passed you, to 80 year olds who are ripping down Light Tours to your typical ski bum who just love this place. Have an ego? Leave it at home, the locals will be quick to humble you and yea heckling is a thing here. At the same time that's what makes this mountain well what it is. You dont come here to be the best, you come here to test yourslef and your limits.
As much as managment tries to create a family friendly atomsphere its hard to ignore the terrian and the characters that call this mountain home. Get on any chair with locals and you will quickly find that opinions are freely shared and entiltlment is not welcomed. While attempts to advertise this mountain as a posh and upscale expereince is often what is shown, it's more of a true skiers culture. With ski bums and people who well just want to get gnarly.
Apres' are kindof a thing here dont worry well get to that later. Add this all up with a dash of being home to the title of Spring Skiing Capital of the world its quick to see that this is just a playground for individuals that search to feed their souls in different ways.

Overall if you are searching for some of the gnarliest inbounds terrian while looking to become a better skier this is it. The level of skiing here is that high, if you allow yourself to put your ego aside you will be amazed at the level of skiing is in front of you.

Food / Apre's: The food here is a bit different than other resorts. There are multiple options at most main points and all within different budgets. We will tell you some of our favourite spots and what is a must try. Starting at the base and the village there are quiet a few options. The Rocker has the best marigratias for those of you who are searching a sit down lunch. Wildflour Baking Company is mandatory (if you don't get a cookie and breakfast from Wildflour did you really ski here?).
If you are near Lake Run or Resort Chair Lift (don't get us started on the name) head over to Sandys Pub in the Everline Resort. Here youll find excellent nachos that can be shared between two very hungry ski bums. We put that to the test on mulitple occasions. They have great drinks and pretzels too, everything you need for a quick full up on a pow day without being too full to get back out there. Bonus: hardly anyone who is actually skiing comes over here, mostly hotel guest.
Gold Coast Plaza has some decent options. With a full cafeteria with all of your classic options, chili and chicken fingers. Funi's Burrito is also located at the top. They are quiet packed and can easily be split. Heads up it is a bit costly around ($20 for a burrito last season).
Let's get into the apres' scene. There are several spots to choose from, whether you're more of a Chamois kindof gal or a Tram Car Bar girlie there really is no going wrong. Don't forget about the Slot Bar while we are at it. Each spot has their own vibe. Best to find which flow you're feeling. The Le Chamois is well infamous. Find good pizza and beer with crowd that knows how to have a good time. KT Base Bar is a great place for after you unbuckle those boots and find yourself ready to unwind while starring at the lines you danced through earlier in the day.
Overall Takeaways: A world renowned resort for both it's terrian and personality. It would be hard to not give yourself a least a few days here to discover if it is your cup of tea. Those who seek thrill and enjoy a challenge will find no shortage here. Don't be intimidated by the terrian, and enjoy the level of skiing that you get to witness. Beginners there are far cheaper and beginner friendly mountains within a 10 min drive from Olympic Valley. It may be worthwhile to explore those before spending a quite a bit without getting the full experience. Be careful while on runs, often cliff spots are not marked.
